Friday, November 1, 2013

Assignment #3: Breaking Bad (Giselle Beltran)

An award-winning crime drama featured on AMC, Breaking Bad tells the story of Heisenberg—a high school chemistry teacher who becomes a methamphetamine god.  Although Breaking Bad came to an end in late September, social media keeps Breaking Bad and each of its characters alive.

After browsing through the Breaking Bad Facebook page, I reminisced on every favorite moment, who my favorite characters were at different stages, and what the show would have been like would it not had ended the way it did. Needless to say, this Facebook page does a tremendous job at marketing a show that has already ended and keeping viewers very happy with what AMC provided them with throughout the series of Breaking Bad.

            The page allows all features, including premiums, participation, user-generated content, and customer service portals to create a space where users feel like a part of this “Breaking Bad” movement. The content flow remains entertaining and updated, even after the finale. It engages users by providing free t-shirts (not just any t-shirt, but the same “Monopoly-Breaking Bad” t-shirt the director of the show wore at the finale). My favorite part of this page was the individual posts with pictures of each character asking, “What will you remember most about ________?” or pictures of a scene asking the audience, “What was your reaction to this?” It took me back to the show not only through my memories, but it also invited me to comment on the post itself and was allowed to read what everyone else posted as well. The page does a very good job at linking all outlets of social media related to Breaking Bad (, Twitter, etc.), where links to quizzes, exclusive behind the scenes clips, and even bloopers were accessible.

            Overall, I am very please with the Breaking Bad Facebook page and its means of marketing through social media. It provides an interactive space for fans of the show and includes outlets of not only the show itself, but to the lives of the actors and actresses (which I believe makes viewers very happy). The pictures, the hashtags, the countdowns, all create a bigger Breaking Bad family; I love that.

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